How to Use come into existence in a Sentence
come into existence
So the Skynet that would have come into existence, if any, wouldn’t be the same as the Skynet that set the plan in motion.
—Jennifer Ouellette and Sean M. Carroll, Ars Technica, 24 Nov. 2023
Eight laws have come into existence this year, two in the last week alone.
—Dante Chinni, NBC News, 2 Apr. 2023
Because the way that Ashley and I and all of our writers approach things, is as though the story wants to come into existence.
—Lauren Puckett-Pope, ELLE, 17 Jan. 2022
Whether the full vision will come into existence is still unclear.
—Sabine Hossenfelder, Scientific American, 19 June 2020
Also, sports bras, which didn’t come into existence until the 1970s.
—Susan Lacke, Outside Online, 11 Oct. 2019
Plasmas come into existence when a gas cloud has so much energy that electrons are stripped away from the nuclei within the cloud.
—Jake Parks, Discover Magazine, 13 Dec. 2018
Now is their opportunity to make that mark and to see that vision of a better world, a more humane and just world, come into existence.
—Globe Staff,, 12 Jan. 2023
The symbol of the scarab beetle means to come into existence or to continue to exist, which would have been important for a pharaoh hoping for a smooth journey into the afterlife.
—Sara Novak, Discover Magazine, 27 Feb. 2024
Unlike Zoom calls, which come into existence when an invite is created and disappear once the call is over, Discord servers and their voice channels are always there.
—Eric Ravenscraft, Wired, 18 Dec. 2020
There was also a cavern-deep misunderstanding about how the hotel project was going to come into existence.
—Arkansas Online, 19 Feb. 2023
The importance of Tim Cook’s speech was the recognition that Silicon Valley itself could never have come into existence in the current climate.
—WIRED, 15 Jan. 2023
There were a few depictions of lesbians in the media but definitely not of anyone my age, and social media had only just come into existence.
—Amelia Abraham,, 15 Dec. 2021
Obtaining such a clear image of this young star trio is providing astronomers with new insights into how multi-star systems come into existence.
—Carl Engelking, Discover Magazine, 26 Oct. 2016
The academic research community is of course a huge part of how subsequent generations of robots come into existence.
—IEEE Spectrum, 12 Aug. 2022
In the world above, empires had risen and fallen; wars and natural disasters had wracked the land; civilizations had sprung up, developed and disappeared; major religions had come into existence and been superseded by others.
—Jo Marchant, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 Nov. 2022
The organization had come into existence after Monday’s military takeover.
—New York Times, 6 Feb. 2021
From this destruction, individual stars come into existence.
—Ashley Strickland, CNN, 19 May 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'come into existence.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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